last 5 callers to al's geek lab... beardy connected to node 1 kirkspragg connected to node 1 reetus connected to node 1 rstodd91 connected to node 1 paulie420 connected to node 1 top 5 callers at al's geek lab... in position 5 is, dunsen 72 times! in position 4 is, maxmouse 74 times! in position 3 is, crewmate 91 times! in position 2 is, mr is,penguin 140 times! in position 1 is, dr is, what 343 times! top 3 posters at al's geek lab... in position 3 is, darkman almighty 23 times! in position 2 is, geekwisdom 29 times! in position 1 is, dr is, what 100 times! these were the latest statistics for al's geek lab bbs as of friday, april 26, 2024 at 02:15 nzst.